
Group: DynoMotion Message: 7491 From: az9633@ymail.com Date: 5/19/2013
Subject: tach or no tach

What has been your experience with a minimum encoder resolution if you have no tachometer and are driving amps in torque mode on a typical machine tool? Assume the encoders are mounted to the motors.

I have a retrofit I'm considering but the existing brush type motors do not have tachometers. The existing encoders are 1000 line. I'm trying to decide whether to use the motors as is, opt for replacing the encoders with higher resolution units, (maybe 2000 per rev or higher), or just replace the motors with motor- tach- encoder units. Obvioulsly there is a cost bump for each choice.

I'd like to use the SnapAmp. Does it offer a tach feedback input?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 7492 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/19/2013
Subject: Re: tach or no tach
Hi AZ,

I would try the existing 1000line (4000 post quadrature counts/rev) encoders. 

SnapAmp does not have a tach input.
